Big Bang Digital — keeping children safe online

Safeguarding and the wellness of children is everyone’s responsibility. At Big Bang we take safeguarding very seriously that’s why we have put various processes and procedures in place to ensure that the Big Bang Digital 2021 is a safe place for children to engage with STEM. Please see below some examples of what we are doing and what things you can do as a parent/guardian or teacher to help ensure that Big Bang Digital is a safe place.

What we are doing:

  • Videos will only be streamed one way (ie will only be visible by children) children will not be asked to turn on their videos or share screens (with the exception of interactive engagement sessions with employers, where children will be visible as a class with teachers and a DBS checked Big Bang Team member on the call).
  • All comments on the Q&A are anonymous (children will not need to give their names to ask a question).
  • We will ensure that all comments via the Q&A wall are moderated ‘live’ by a team of DBS certified moderators before any comments become visible on the Q&A wall.
  • We will ensure that all presenters/hosts adhere to our strict online safeguarding code of conduct.

What you can do as a parent, guardian or teacher:

  • Ensure that your child/student does not post any abusive or offensive comments in the Q&A. (we will also be moderating the Q&A ‘live’ to ensure any abusive or offensive comments do not get posted)
  • Ensure that your child/student does not say anything that they wouldn’t want the public to know — this includes their full name, their address, phone number of other personal information. (we will also be moderating the Q&A ‘live’ to ensure any personal information does not get posted)
  • Ensure your child/student does not make contact with any of the presenters or hosts outside of the event.
  • Where possible, we encourage you to post questions in the Q&A on behalf of your student/s.

Reporting a concern:

If you would like to report a safeguarding concern or view our full safeguarding policy, please email